“No madam, there is no virus”
On the 28th of October 2018, it was the happy occasion of my brother’s engagement and the entire family was getting ready to go to the temple in the morning, I noticed my child developing severe eruptions, reddish with mild itching on the face and extremities, more mild rashes on the back of the body as well… …nothing but Measles.
Being a Hindu from Tamilnadu, we have a lot of isolation rules, dos & don’ts for such conditions. As we were getting ready for the function, the tension was at its peak!! I could not understand what to do!! Not wanting to disturb Dr.Varghese & transfer my tension onto him, I just sent him a message. But unfortunately, he was not online.
So before leaving home, I quickly read Measles from GNM website, understood that it was due to a separation conflict. Time was too short to explore or to elicit the cause. It was a clear-cut case of measles… but being a strong believer of GNM, I couldn’t accept that it was caused by the so-called virus!! But at the same time, I couldn’t resist the pressure from family members.
Lots of questions were going on in mind…
If virus doesn’t exist, where does this measles come from?
If ‘separation conflict’ is the cause then, should I encourage isolation or not?
If diseases are not contagious, should I allow her to mingle with other people or not?
If I allow her to mingle, what if someone else gets to know?
Will I be spoiling the happiness of the occasion because of my decisions?
I began to receive several instructions from all the elders of the family… but I made up my mind. I said to myself very clearly, ”There is no virus, so ‘no virus’ means, no Measles as well. I will be attending the function with my kid. If anything happens to my kid or anyone else because of this, I shall take the sole responsibility” The entire family looked at me as if I was a culprit! Eruptions were getting worse, more red!!
After we reached home, I got a call from Dr.Asif. Thank God that it was a real moral support. He reassured me that it was because of a separation conflict. He told me that a raise in temperature could also happen and to just give her care. I got 100 percent confidence that I have indeed made the right decision. Luckily received a reply from Dr.Varghese as well. This made me feel doubly sure.
Next day I sent my kid with the rash to her school for her Annual day as she was hosting the program. I informed the teacher about it. She was frightened that it would become a big issue as the disease spreads. I assured her that I will take care of the situation. My daughter performed well and the rashes appeared slightly better. After reaching home, I tried to elicit the cause. My kid said that she was missing me badly as I was busy with engagement works & shopping. Then I made her lie by my side, explained about the rash, its cause and reassured that it will subside soon!! She was happy just being with me…we kept talking till 1am.. telling all pending stories… I kept cuddling and caressing her… and she slept.
Though we learn the new paradigm, as Dr.Varghese rightly said about the story of Moses, we tend to spring back to our old concepts… If we dare to step out of our routines, the world is waiting to accuse us, to point fingers at us… So I did sleep but with a bit of anxiety in me!!
In the morning when I woke up, I was curious to see the rash…and I couldn’t believe my eyes… I was totally awestruck by the depth of the science of GNM… I was floating in happiness… Yes!!!, the rash had reduced by 80-85%. The elders in the family gave instructions for strict isolation for a period of 7days, neem & turmeric bath after that. But on Tuesday morning (i.e., within 48hrs) she was 80-85% better. I sent her to school on Wednesday. Her teacher asked me, ‘where is her measles rash’ I replied with a proud & confident smile. I said ‘no madam, there is no virus’!! I am sure that she would not have understood what I meant… But I am very sure the sincere learners of our GNM groups will understand it well… !!!
This personal case of mine (my daughter) was extremely challenging in terms of making the right decisions and also to do it firmly. The disappearance of the rash without any medication increased my confidence & my faith in GNM. I could not control my excitement to share it with everyone.
Hope this case would echo in your minds for life and I hope you would think twice before taking or prescribing for the so-called ‘viral fevers’ and other viral infections.
I sincerely thank God for giving us this wonderful science. My gratitude to Dr.Varghese and Dr.Asif for their continued care and support during tough times.
Dr Archana SriVardhan